Special Offer for Big Dudes Subscribers!
Is the guitar neck a mystery to you? Tired of the hunt-and-peck, trial-and-error approach? Are you beginning to think that there must be a better way?
This 5-lesson series will give you THE foundation from which a complete understanding of the guitar neck derives. You will learn:
The names and locations of 12 notes.
How to memorize and practice these 12 notes in the most optimum way possible.
From these 12 notes you will learn to visualize all other notes on the neck. You will be able to find ANY note - ANYwhere on the neck!
From these 12 notes all chords, scales, arpeggios, etc. can be visualized.
This lesson series is a PDF download that consists of:
5 lessons
15 pages of explanatory text
17 fretboard diagrams, pictures and other graphics
8 demonstration video links
BONUS: The 3rd & 4th lesson include valuable technique tips as well as a video demonstration proving that this is so easy even a 7-year-old can do it!
Normally $49.00 - FREE to Big Dudes subscribers for a limited time!