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News 2017

December 16, 2017: Thanks to all who purchased Unit 4:7th Chords during the launch this week. Watch for the free bonus video coming soon to all who purchased!


November 20, 2017: Published the Unit 4:7th Chords Launch Blog. Questions about 7th chords? Leave it in the comments section of the blog. I'll answer, I promise!


November 14, 2017: Newsletter to site members: Unique Voicings (Part 7) Uniquely Voiced Suspensions. 42 fretboard diagrams, 12-and-a-half minute video with dynamic fretboard diagrams.

October 30, 2017: Installed a new blog app. Comments and shares enabled. Please leave comments and share to your favorite social networking sites; FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram etc. LET'S TALK!!!!

October 10, 2017: Newsletter to site members: Unique Voicings (Part 6). Explanatory text, 35 fretboard diagrams and a 17-minute demonstration video.


September 12, 2017: Newsletter to site members: Unique Voicings applied to 20 popular songs!


August 8, 2017: Newsletter to site members: Unique Voicings (Part 4).


July 21, 2017: Newsletter to site members: Unique Voicings (Part 3).


June 25, 2017: Master Guitar School has done a joint venture with Guitar Dock in Lenexa KS. We offered a free download of the "5-Lesson Foundational Series" to Guitar Dock subscribers. A big thanks to Dan Miller at Guitar Dock and also to those who availed themselves of the free download! It was more than expected! To those of you who downloaded, be on the lookout for an exclusive offer from Master Guitar School within the next month or so that will build on what you downloaded!

June 13, 2017: Newsletter to site members: Unique Chord Voicings (Part 2).


May 20, 2017; A very sincere and grateful "Thank you!" to those who purchased during the "Concepts for Basic Improvising" launch. This launch was an experiment in several ways and all outcomes were positive!

April 11, 2017: Newsletter to site members introducing new monthly free lesson series, Unique Chord Voicings.


April 6, 2017: 2 things coming up you might be interested in.

  • Next Tuesday the first lesson in a new series of free lessons will be sent to site members. It's called "Unique Chord Voicings" and it's stuff I use all the time. It can be applied to any genre. If you are even remotely interested, please sign up for site membership and you'll get this free lesson series in your inbox once a month for the next several months - 6 months at least. If you sign up BEFORE this Tuesday, the 11th, you'll get in on the series from the very first lesson.

  • Next month I'm launching a new product. It's called "Concepts for Basic Improvising" and is all Pentatonic-based soloing content. It would correspond to some of what's in Unit 2 of my "Vertical Truth" method book series. The product is a downloadable PDF that contains 56 pages, 22 lessons, 160 fretboard diagrams and 31 demonstration video links. This download will be available for a 5-day window the 3rd week of May TO SITE MEMBERS ONLY for a RIDICULOUSLY low price! After that it goes up on the website at retail price which is almost 2 and a half times what the price will be for you - IF YOU ARE A SITE MEMBER! Yet another reason to become a site member.

P.S. Sign up before Tuesday and get the "Unique Voicings" lessons every month for the next few months. If you're interested in the "Concepts for Basic Improvising" series, sign up before May!

March 14, 2017: Newsletter to site members: Add Passing Tones to Major Pentatonic Scale Patterns.


February 14, 2017: Newsletter to site members: Major Pentatonic (5).


January 10, 2017: Newsletter to site members: Major Pentatonic (4).

News 2016

December 13, 2016: Newsletter to site members: Double Your Vocabulary - Major Pentatonic (3).

November 15, 2016: Newsletter to site members: Double Your Vocabulary (2).

October 25, 2016: Newsletter to site members: Double Your Soloing Vocabulary With a Concept!


October 2, 2016: Guitar Syndicate has closed. Always hate to see a mom-and-pop music store go under because of big corporate chain stores. Guitar Center in the northland has studio space but it's a corporate deal and teachers are required to use their curriculum. How can I say this in a restrained and acceptable way? No effing way would I do that! Not when I'm sitting on THE best method for applying music theory to the guitar I've ever seen. Most of my students at Guitar Syndicate are just moving to my home studio so it's not a big hit for me. I hope Ralph and Wendy land on their feet - they're good folks.

September 20, 2016: Newsletter to site members: Minor Blues (Part 3).

August 9, 2016: Newsletter to site members: Soloing Thru the Minor Blues (Part 2).


August 2, 2016: Newsletter sent to members - Optimum Learning. Some of which was posted on the blog.


June 21, 2016: Sent Unit 3: Triads customers a free PDF download on Triad Suspensions.


June 7, 2016: Newsletter sent to members includes free lesson: Target Notes Lesson 4.


May 3, 2016: Released new lesson series: Open Position Triads. It is a PDF download that has:


  • 29 pages divided into 8 lessons with explanetory text and music notation

  • 184 fretboard diagrams

  • 12 demonstration video links


It has been given away for free as a thank-you gift to those who purchased Unit 3: Triads during the launch in March. It is now for sale. Link to it from Downloads.


March 21, 2016: The launch for Unit 3: Triads is now ended. Thanks to everyone who purchased, I appreciate you! This lesson series is now available to non-site members. Go here to take a look.


March 11, 2016: The lesson series, Unit 3: Triads, will launch this Monday, the 14th. It will be a PDF download that contains:

  • 32 pages divided into 7 lessons

  • 217 fretboard diagrams

  • 18 music notation examples

  • 24 demonstration video links.


If you were taking one-on-one lessons from me and we covered the material in this lesson series it would cost you around $250.00 – assuming 3 months to get through the material; most people take longer.


The retail on this product is $79.00. But during next week's launch it will be available to site members only for $39.00. So if you want access to this for half-price sign up now!


Feb. 15, 2016: The launch for Unit 3: Triads, will take place next month, March 14 - 18. Stay tuned for more details. Site Members watch your inbox! You will get several newsletters in the couple of weeks leading up to this launch.


Feb. 12, 2016: Newsletter sent to members includes free lesson: Target Notes: Lesson 3.

Latest News

News 2015

Dec. 29, 2015: Newsletter sent to members includes free lesson: Frog-Leg G.


Dec. 23, 2015: Newsletter sent to members includes free lesson: Target Notes: Lesson 2.


Dec. 10, 2015: Blog entry: John Elliott Material from the 1950's!?!?


Nov. 10, 2015: Newsletter sent to members includes free lesson: Playing Through Changes - From Minor Pentatonic


Also, I'm close to releasing Unit 3 of my book as a PDF. This unit is on triads and here are some preliminary stats:


Among other things, this downloadable PDF will include 32 pages of explanatory text, 217 fretboard diagrams (that's right - two hundred and seventeen. That's 2.1.7.) and 24 demonstration video links - hello? Links to twenty-four (24) demonstration videos. In one download. 


After going through the material in this PDF there will be no mystery to triads. It's LOADED.


October 6, 2015: Newsletter sent to members includes free lesson: Concepts for Basic Improvising: Part 9: Adding the Aeolian 6 to Minor Pentatonic/Dorian Patterns is now published. Click on the link and sign up to become a MasterGuitarSchool site member to access this free lesson!


August 13, 2015: Concepts for Basic Improvising (Part 8): Integrating the Dorian Mode and the Minor Pentatonic is now published. Click on the link and sign up to become a MasterGuitarSchool site member to access this free lesson.


May 13, 2015: Concepts for Basic Improvising (Part 7) is now published. I've started recording the audio into GarageBand and syncing it up to the video later. The audio quality of the videos I've been producing has been bugging me. I'm making headway on that issue.


May 12, 2015: Had lunch a couple of days ago with Stu Kimball. Probably doesn't ring a bell. How about Bob Dylan - does that ring a bell? Stu has been Dylan's guitar player for 11 years. Then I went to see Bob Dylan at the Music Hall downtown. The show was good. I've heard horror stories for years about how bad Dylan can be live. I didn't see any of that. It was a well-paced, good, solid show. The band was tight, Dylan was on task. Stu is a solid-as-a-rock rythmn guitar player. I didn't hear any clams. It was a fun day. Thanks to Steve Barrett for making it happen. Here's a pic.


April 29, 2015Concepts for Basic Improvising (Part 6): Adding the Dorian 6th to Pentatonic Patterns is now published.


March 22, 2015: Concepts for Basic Improvising (Part 5) is now published!


February 21, 2015: This "Concepts for Basic Improvising" lesson series just keeps going! Sign up as a site member of and access part 4 of the series right here.


January 23, 2015: New free lesson: Concepts for Basic Improvising (Part 3).


January 17, 2015: Posted a new free lesson: Technique Exercises. Yes, you must be a site member to access it. Just click on the link above and fill out the form and, voila! You're a site member!

Become a MasterGuitarSchool Site Member (sign-up is FREE!) to Access the "Members Only" Area for Free Lessons and Other Offers and Events!

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Vertical Truth - Chordal Mechanisms for the Guitar

© 2013 by Jay EuDaly

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