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Cowboy Chords: Am - F

Writer's picture: Jay EuDalyJay EuDaly

This FREE lesson has 3 different fingerings for Am, 12 Fretboard diagrams and an 8-minute video.

Progressions with optimum fingering options:

  • C - F

  • Am - F

Also some technique tips on how to play the F chord.

(You must be a site member and signed in to view)


Blogs Published Since Last Newsletter

Remembering Kevin Mahogany: You might think that I now had a ticket into the big-time because Kevin and I were tight, but I knew that's not how the music business works.

Republished: I Am Looking For You! If you desire to become a knowledgeable musician, notch up your guitar skills and recognize the value of a systematic approach, I am looking for you!

Cowboy Chords: Progression: G-Em-C-D7: This FREE lesson uses the chords we've learned so far to create a cliché progression. The term, "cliché" in this context is not negative; it means this progression is so good everybody uses it all the time! Get it down and you know hundreds of songs!


Tune of the Month

In light of the publication last week of my blog, Remembering Kevin Mahogany, I’m posting a gig tape from April 27, 1987 at The Hurricane in Kansas City. This was a hit song in the early ‘80s by Al Jarreau called “Roof Garden.” Listen to how we take it somewhere different!

There are several more clips you can listen to in the blog. One of the comments from Kansas City was, “All those clips are really worth the listen. World class and local.”


Launch of Unit 2: The Blues

A couple of years ago the free lesson series in this monthly newsletter was on the Blues. I’m getting close to finishing the pre-launch content and lining up the ducks to release that lesson series as a PDF download so you can have it all together in one package to your device of choice.

As with all my launches, the launch price will be super low (lower than what the site member discount will be) for a limited time. Namely, the 5-day launch period. I hope to have it all ready to go by next month’s newsletter. Watch for it!

Also, SIGN UP if you’re not a site member. Access to the launch price will be for site members only!



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